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1. General information

1.1. General information about the dance school - company name: RDS ART Group s. r. o., with its registered office: Laurinská 213/14, 811 01 Bratislava, Company ID: 45 315 621, a company registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, insert no.: 62644/B (hereinafter also referred to as the "Dance School"), during the operation of which relations with customers, participants (as defined below) are subject to these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "T&Cs").

1.2. These T&Cs apply equally to natural and legal persons who are customers and/or participants (as defined below) of the Company.

2. Definitions of terms:

2.1. Customer/participant is any natural or legal person showing interest in the services provided by the Dance School; personally, by ordering or registering via the Internet portal;

2.2. Customer account – Each customer is obliged to create a personal account through the website, where they enter their contact details (name, surname, address, phone number and e-mail address) and then confirm their consent to the processing of personal data as well as consent to the general terms and conditions of the Dance School;

2.3. Customer card – After creating an account, every customer receives their customer card, which is presented to the reception upon arrival each time they visit the Dance School. The customer card also serves as an access card to individual areas of the school and lockers in the men's and women's changing rooms;

2.4. One-time entry – OC (open class) - entitles the customer to one-time participation in a class organized or mediated by the Dance School;

2.5. Course means a group of dance classes or exercises for children and adults limited by the number of participants and the duration of the course - start and end of the course;

2.6. Season ticket means a certain number of pre-paid classes in the Dance School (open dance or fitness classes), limited both by the number of hours and by the time limit, while the customer can use this pre-paid number of classes at the Dance School within a period of 3 months from the purchase of the season ticket;

2.7. Membership means an unlimited number of one-time entries to dance classes and lessons within a limited period specified for each individual type of membership according to the Dance School's current price list. Membership applies to all OCs for adults (open classes) in the Dance School's dance and training schedule, excluding classes for adults;

2.8. Workshop / Master class means a one-off event of the Dance School in the field of dance or sport for a predetermined duration (number of hours and/or days) and at a price set in advance by the Dance School. It is not possible to use a purchased season ticket or membership for any of the workshops/master classes;

2.9. Services are one-time entries, courses, season tickets, memberships or workshops/master classes as defined above.

3. Purchase of services:

3.1. Buying a one-time entry to a dance or exercise class or course is possible electronically via or in person at the reception of the Dance School. With the purchase of a one-time entry/entries, the customer declares that they have familiarized themselves with these T&Cs and declare their agreement with these T&Cs.

3.2. The range of classes and courses for adults and children will be published on the school's website or through other promotional channels.

3.3. By registering with the Dance School, the customer confirms that they have familiarized themselves with these T&Cs in full and in detail and that they agree with them unreservedly and in full. 

3.4. With the purchase, the customer also confirms that they have familiarized themselves with the operating regulations of the Dance School and the safety regulations of the venue and are sufficiently aware of their state of health; by agreeing to these T&Cs the customer declares that their state of health at the time the consent was given does not prevent them from using the organizer's services.

4. General rules

4.1. The scope and type of the individual events, including their prices, are determined by the Dance School's current offer and price list at the time the service is purchased. Dates and times of individual events follow the schedule published on the website and information on the Dance School's social networks. The customer is therefore obliged in their own interest to monitor this information on a regular basis to ensure the customer is updated as to the applicable changes.

4.2. Each customer is obliged to create their own customer account, upon the creation of which they confirm their agreement with these T&Cs in accordance with clause 3.3 of these T&Cs, as well as consent to the processing of personal data and consent to the creation and registration of the customer's photograph for their identification in the sense and scope according to the applicable legal regulations.

4.3. After creating their own account on the website, each customer receives a customer card, which is used to record their visits to the Dance School, the purchase of the services offered and, if there is any credit on the card, also to pay for the services and goods offered. A unique QR is created together with the customer card and assigned to the customer account, with which the customer can identify themselves the same way as with the customer card.

4.4. Upon arrival at the Dance School, each customer must present their customer card or QR code at the reception of the Dance School. 

4.5. The customer card is not transferable, it can only be used by the person in whose name and personal information the card was issued.

4.6. If the customer forgets their customer card when visiting the Dance School, the Dance School is not obliged to provide them with the requested service, since it is the duty of every customer to present themselves with the customer card upon every visit to the school.

4.7. The Dance School assumes no responsibility for items, especially valuables, stored or placed outside of the designated areas of the dance school. The Dance School provides lockers in the changing rooms for storing personal items.

4.8. The Dance School reserves the right to change the instructor of any class (e.g. substitute instructor) or to cancel any class. If the Dance School has to cancel a class, it will inform the registered customer for that class of the cancellation and the Dance School will refund the customer the amount already paid for the relevant class in the form of credit points possible to use for attending another dance class or buying products offered by the Dance School, where this credit points needs to be used within 3 months of their adding. In addition to this remuneration, the customer receives 1 free one-time entry for services of the Dance School, which they can use within 3 months from the issuance of the confirmation for the free one-time entry to the customer.

5. One-time entry

5.1. The condition for participation in OCs (open classes) for children and adults is reservation or purchase of the dance class or training selected by the customer through the dance school website or purchase of the specified dance class or training directly at the reception in the Dance School with cash/payment card. One-time entries (OCs) are divided into: entry for 60 min. class, entry for 75 min. class, entry for 90 min. class, entry to children's class. The prices of the individual classes can vary depending on the duration, level of difficulty, instructor, etc. The prices for individual dance classes and trainings are listed in the price list on the school's website. 

5.2. A one-time entry purchased online via the customer account is not transferable. It can only be used by the customer who purchased the specific dance class or training.

5.3. In the event that the customer is unable to attend the purchased one-time lesson, they are obliged to notify the Dance School of this no later than 12 hours by telephone or e-mail to the contact details listed on the Dance School's website before the planned start of the purchased class. In the event that the customer announces non-participation in the purchased class less than 12 hours before the scheduled start of the class, the Dance School will charge a cancellation fee of 100% of the price of the purchased class.

5.4. If the customer fails to attend the purchased class without prior notification, the Dance School will not provide any financial compensation.

5.5. If the customer cancels their participation in the purchased class earlier than 12 hours before the start of the purchased dance class or training, the amount paid for the cancelled lesson will be refunded to the customer in the form of credit points to the customer's account. The customer can use these credit points again when booking the selected class or training. In this case, the Dance School does not provide any financial compensation, with an exception in individual cases when the customer presents the Dance School with a medical certificate stating that they were unable to take part in the purchased class for health reasons that have arisen in time between purchasing and execution of the class.

5.6. In the event of unforeseeable circumstances and the closure of the school or restrictions on operations, the validity of the remaining credit points is extended by the time the operation of the Dance School is restricted and the customer can use these credit points after operations have been restored.

6. Season ticket

6.1. Season tickets are available for 10 entries and are valid for 3 months from the date of purchase. Entries on the season ticket can be used for 60 min. and 75 min. classes. The season ticket is not valid for 90-minute courses and classes.

6.2. The season ticket can be purchased online via or in person at the reception of the dance school, payment in cash or with a payment card is available. The price of the season ticket is listed on the Dance School's website.

6.3. The season ticket is non-transferable and if the customer does not fully use the season ticket during the validity period (3 months after purchase), the remaining entries on the season ticket expire on the last day the season ticket is valid. In this case, the Dance School does not provide any financial compensation, except in individual cases in which the customer submits a medical certificate to the Dance School stating that they were unable to use the prepaid services for a certain period of time due to health reasons that arose or occurred in the period after purchase. The customer is obliged to present such a confirmation to the Dance School no later than 3 working days after the occurrence of the health impediment, otherwise the customer is only entitled to the part of the period of non-use of the services from the moment the medical certificate was presented to the dance school (and not from the day the medical reasons arose). Compensation in these individual cases is decided by the Dance School based on the customer's request, which the customer must send by email to

7. Courses

7.1. Prerequisite for participation in courses for children or adults is the purchase of the entire course. With the purchase of such a course, the customer is entitled to participate in all lessons of the respective course. Purchased courses are non-transferable and have a specific validity. Participation in courses in the form of one-time entries is not possible. Exceptions are special cases agreed upon with the Dance School. The courses can be divided into levels of difficulty - for beginners (BEG), intermediate (INT) or advanced (ADV).

7.2. Current course prices are published on the Dance School's website.

7.3. Lessons that do not take place due to public or school holidays are not included in the course price. Customers will be informed and notified by e-mail, telephone or social networks about lessons not taking place during the public and school holidays.

7.4. Payment of the course: The course can be paid online via or directly on site, at the reception of the dance school, in cash or by credit card. 

7.5. Unused lessons in a course cannot be used in continuing courses or in the same repeated courses. If the customer does not participate in the lesson(s) of the course, the organizer will not provide any financial compensation or reimbursement for unused entries. In the case of long-term health problems that prevent the participant from attending the course for a long time, the organizer decides on compensation for non-participation individually on the basis of a medical certificate sent together with the customer's request to the e-mail address 

7.6. If, after purchasing the course, the customer decides not to attend the course before it begins, the organizer is not obliged to return the money paid to the customer. In this case, the organizer can, after consultation with the customer, allow a change in the course date, a transfer of the course to another person who will complete the course later, add the specified amount on the customer's card in the form of credit points, or the organizer can reimburse the amount paid by the customer in the form of a season ticket for OCs (open classes) offered in the Dance School with the number of entries corresponding to the amount paid for the course. In this case, the customer can cancel their participation[AN1]  in the course up to 7 days before the start of the course. If the customer cancels their participation in the course less than 7 days before, only 70% of the course price will be reimbursed. Compensation is limited to a period of time determined by the organizer. The customer will be informed by e-mail or telephone of the period up to which the customer can use the offered remuneration. After the specified date, the compensation chosen by the customer will become invalid and will be forfeited.

7.7. If all dance lessons and/or services to which the customer is entitled to a specific purchased course are not used, without informing the Dance School within the specified period or without informing the Dance School altogether, the Dance School does not guarantee any financial compensation in these cases, except in individual cases, if the customer provides the Dance School with a medical certificate stating that they were unable to use the prepaid services for a certain period of time due to health reasons that arose or occurred in the period after purchase. The customer is obliged to present such a confirmation to the Dance School no later than 3 working days after the occurrence of the health impediment, otherwise the customer is only entitled to the part of the period of non-use of the services from the moment the medical certificate was presented to the dance school (and not from the day the medical reasons arose). Compensation in these individual cases is decided by the Dance School based on the customer's request, which the customer must send by email to

7.8. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the provider reserves the right to make the following changes in the courses:

– Change of dance hall, division of groups of participants (e.g. in the case of higher participation);

– Substitution of the instructor in justified cases or change of instructor;

– Cancellation of classes in unexpected situations;

– Temporary interruption of the course in unexpected situations - change of course date;

– Complete cancellation of the course in unexpected situations - in this case the Dance School will refund the amount already paid.

Course participants will be informed of changes in writing or by telephone and in the event of a course cancellation or temporary course interruption, customers will be informed of an alternative date. The alternative date will be agreed after consultation with the instructor or determined by the organizer and customers will be informed in advance by e-mail, via social networks or by telephone about the alternative date. In these cases, the customer is not entitled to any financial compensation. 

8. Membership

8.1. The Dance School offers its customers the following types of membership: Monthly Membership and Three-Month Membership

8.2. The validity of the membership begins on the day the membership is acquired and lasts for one month or three months from the acquisition, depending on the type of membership acquired.

8.3. On the basis of the membership acquired, the customer can attend all OC dance classes or trainings for adults offered by the Dance School, with the exception of courses (courses can only be attended by course participants with paid course fees). When purchasing a membership, the customer can claim a student and pensioner discount of 10% upon presenting an ID proving such claimed status.

8.4. Membership is non-transferable and can be used only to access classes for adults. It can only be used by a customer who has acquired the respective membership via his customer account or customer card.

8.5. Membership cannot be transferred to another person or cancelled during its validity. In the event that the customer does not use the services to which they are entitled according to the membership acquired, they are not entitled to any financial compensation, except in individual cases in which the customer submits a medical certificate to the Dance School stating that they were unable to use the prepaid services for a certain period of time due to health reasons that arose or occurred in the period after purchase. The customer is obliged to present such a confirmation to the Dance School no later than 3 working days after the occurrence of the health impediment, otherwise the customer is only entitled to the part of the period of non-use of the services from the moment the medical certificate was presented to the dance school (and not from the day the medical reasons arose). Compensation in these individual cases is decided by the Dance School based on the customer's request, which the customer must send by email to

8.6. If the customer is not permitted to use the membership to the full extent through the fault of the Dance School, the organizer is obliged to extend the validity of the customer's membership by the period in which the customer was unable to use the membership through the fault of the Dance School.

9. Covid-19 – Hygiene measures in the organization of courses

9.1. The customer acknowledges that the terms of the provision of all Dance School services are subject to the currently valid regulations of the Public Health Authority of the SR approved by the Slovak government – i.e. the current Covid Automat valid for the organization of educational courses. In the event of a restriction of the customer's access to the course due to a change in the Covid Automat during the course the participant attends, the organizer assumes no responsibility and is not obliged to financially compensate the customer for any missed lessons. The Dance School shall offer the course participant other means of compensation mentioned in the Courses section.

10. Price and Terms of payment

10.1. The price of the services results from the price list of the Dance School, available on the Dance School's website, valid at the time of ordering the services or registering unless the agreed price is different. The specific price of the selected service is always indicated on the customer's payment receipt, sent, available online or collected by the customer in person. The price of the services is indicated including VAT.

10.2. The price can be paid in the following ways:

(i) in person (in cash or by payment card);

(ii) via payment gateway and online card;

(iii) by transfer to a bank account;

(iv) a gift certificate.

11. Ideas, Suggestions and Complaints

11.1. The customer can send their ideas and suggestions for improving the Dance School electronically to the email address

11.2. The customer can report complaints to the Dance School personally or by e-mail to After examining the complaint, the Dance School will inform the customer about a possible solution to the problem, or with the result of the investigation of the submitted complaint.

12. Final provisions

12.1. The Dance School reserves the right to change and/or update these T&Cs at any time. Its current wording will always be available on the Dance School's website and is valid from the day of its publication.

12.2. The rules of the Dance School's e-shop and information on the processing of personal data from customers are separate documents that can be accessed on the Dance School's website in the current version.

12.3. In the event that any provision of these T&Cs becomes invalid or ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected and the validity and effectiveness of the T&Cs as a whole, except for the invalid articles, shall continue. The Dance School will replace invalid or ineffective provisions of these terms and conditions with valid or effective provisions that come closest to the meaning and purpose of the invalid or ineffective provisions.

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